SDUGS with a Different S

          The word “Society” is defined as “an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.” By this definition we are a society since we are an organization with a purpose; however, describing our projects as such had led to many asking us “Are you a registered society?” and the answer is “No, we are not a registered society nor do we plan to be in the near future”.

          We like to be simple and direct just like our website and learning resources. Our aim, as mentioned in our about page, is “to help dental scholars, especially Saudi dental undergrads, in improving themselves in matters related to their dental education and endeavors” and for us that’s what’s important.

          With that being said, we decided to change our name from Saudi Dental Undergrads Society to Saudi Dental Undergrads Site. Hopefully, this clears up the confusion so that we can focus more on our aim.

Author: Yazan Aljohani